Who we are

Our NiRmata Crypto project is a unique platform that combines fast transactions, anonymity, and the stability of cryptocurrencies with the principles of the green movement and the Fibonacci sequence.

NiRmata is designed with environmental principles in mind and uses an energy-efficient hybrid consensus algorithm Proof-of-Work (PoW) + Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to minimize the impact on the environment. We also support ecosystem restoration and carbon footprint reduction projects to make our world a greener place.

Our platform also builds its economy in accordance with the Fibonacci law, a mathematical law that underlies harmony and balance in nature. We pay special attention to the principles of sustainable development and support economic justice in order to create a world where all elements of society can flourish.

Our platform also builds its economy in accordance with the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical law that underlies harmony and balance in nature. We pay special attention to the principles of sustainable development and support economic justice in order to create a world where all elements of society can flourish.

Fibonacci and its relation to the block reward in the blockchain

Fibonacci is a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Starting from 0 and 1, the Fibonacci sequence looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on.

It turns out that the number 1.618 (known as the golden ratio or golden number) is the result of dividing each Fibonacci number by the previous number in the sequence, as the Fibonacci numbers increase. This number has many interesting properties and applications in various fields, including mathematics, art, and even finance.

This choice of remuneration is made for various reasons:

1. Aesthetic aspect: The Golden Fibonacci number is considered a proportion that is perceived as harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Using this proportion in block rewards can create aesthetically pleasing and attractive results.

2. Economic aspect: The Fibonacci Golden Number has a connection with financial markets and trading. Some researchers and traders claim that prices in financial markets may be related to Fibonacci numbers. The use of the golden number in block rewards represents the blockchain's connection to these financial trends.

3. Uniqueness and Attractiveness: Incorporating the golden Fibonacci number into block rewards can add uniqueness and attractiveness to the blockchain. This may attract more community attention and interest in this blockchain.

In conclusion, utilizing the Fibonacci number, particularly the golden ratio 1.618, as the reward for a block in the blockchain can be an intriguing experiment that bridges mathematics, finance, and blockchain technology

Top partners

Nirmata Network Partners

  • Whattomine
  • Hashrate
  • Kryptex
  • Coinpaprika
  • CoinCodex
  • HiveOS
  • Coinranking
  • Coingecko
  • Cryptounit
  • LiveCoinWatch
  • MiningPoolStats
  • TradeOgre
  • XeggeX
  • NonKyc
  • FinanceX
  • Dropstab
  • SWFT
  • PAC
why Choose us

Why choose our Nirmata NiR coin

No Asics

The algorithm used by Nirmata Network, ProgPowZ, provides protection against Asics, thereby preventing the centralization of the network.

Very low network fee

The commission on the Nirmata network is really very low and is equal to 0.001618 NiR.

Protect the identity

Nowadays, security and anonymity play a big role, we provide our users with this.

Sercurity & control over money

Using the Nirmata GUI, be sure of your safety.


Trade NiR coin


Nirmata Strategy and
Project Plan

Q1 - 2024 January


-Launch Website.✅-Launch blockchain.✅-Release Nirmata Wallet.✅-launch Block Explorer.✅-Listing NONKYC.✅
Q1 - 2024 February


-Listing XEGGEX.✅-Listing TRADEOGRE.✅-Release Nirmata Wallet 1.0.2.✅-Soft Fork Picasso.✅
Q1 - 2024 March


-Release Nirmata Wallet 1.0.3.✅-Launch TestNet.✅-Soft Fork Santi.✅
Q2 - 2024


-Release Nirmata Wallet 1.0.4.✅-Whitepaper.⏳-Exchange Listing.⏳
Q3 - 2024


-Release Nirmata Wallet 1.0.5.⏳-Soft Fork Monet.⏳-Soft Fork Dali.⏳-Wallet release for mobile platforms.⏳
Q4 - 2024


-Exchange Listing.⏳-Soft Fork DaVinci.⏳-Release Nirmata Wallet 1.0.6.⏳
Q1 - 2025


-Implementation of the exchange in the wallet.⏳-Testing the minting of tokens.⏳-Testing the erc-20 bridge.⏳

Read Nirmata Documents

  • Ticker NIR
  • Hybrid PoW/PoS
  • Anonymity Privacy Safety
  • Reward 1.618 NiR
  • min fee 0.001618 NiR
  • Block time 30 seconds
  • Conformation 10 blocks
  • Escrow/P2P Contracts
Read Docs

The Leadership



Founder & CO


Head of Design





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Nirmata GUI

Not just a wallet in the usual view.


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